For over a century and a half the medical community have developed protocols and systems for research and patient care, but in the 21st century medical research in Canada was derailed by two factors that no one saw coming: Hope, and the Internet.
Multiple Sclerosis is a cruel disease. There is no cure. In 2009 there was suddenly a ray of hope, a treatment that might help MS patients. In northern Italy researcher Dr. Paolo Zamboni pioneered a new treatment called Liberation Therapy, unblocking the jugular veins to help with a vascular condition he called chronic cerebro spinal venous insufficiency or CCSVI.

The medical community was cautious but patients, media and social networks created a sudden explosion of interest. Every week there were new videos of MS patients who couldn’t walk, had Liberation Therapy and now could jump. MS patients wanted the treatment now.
The government and medical community said no, there is a process to follow in research. So the patients revolted. Putting up their own money to travel to countries that offer the procedure, they changed the funding for research, spurring political pressure, and visibility that could not be ignored. Something had to give.
MS Wars – Hope, Science and the Internet is a one hour documentary that delves into the science, controversy and drama around Liberation Therapy.